Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Thoughts on Xandros 3

Wow, I was so surprised on how easy and simple is was to install Xandros. The setup was so easy and so easy to customize faster and easier setup than Windows I believe. The first run wizard was handy had the option of using the Windows layout I said no because what’s the point of changing Linux to Windows? My ATI card still dosen’t work the Display settings menu was very handy and easy to access and change. I love under the theme settings that they call the Windows Layout “Redmond” struck me as funny. By the way how the hell do you install anything in Linux I’m getting .RPM files .Bin files I know how to use a .Bin file in Windows but In Linux I got one app that was a video player installed..I think but where did it go? This is one of the easiest and practical Linux Distro’s I’ve used I suggest it if your coming from a Windows Background.

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