Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Podcast's Worth Metioning

Bits of Silicon Hell
Really Enjoyed this podcast lots of articles from the Tech world

Site Description:
Bits of Silicon Hell is a technology podcast. It doesn’t really matter what kind of technology: networking, PCs, servers, PDAs, gaming, the Internet. Technology puts us all in quite a unique position. It tends to change us as much as we think it’s improving our way of life. It’s supposed to make our lives easier, and it does, but it also changes how we do things. Sometimes for the better, sometimes not.

Mike Tech Show
In depth look at some Tech news and Cool Software

Site Description:
Mike's podcast is about all things technology and computer related. He discusses cool sites, software, and tips and tricks that will make you more productive at home and work. He reviews problems and solutions that he has encountered at home, work and business consulting he does in his off-hours.

Geek News Central
News From the Tech world, great show.

Site Descirption:

Geek News Central is edited primarily by Todd Cochrane, who is the award winning Author of "Podcasting The Do It Yourself Guide". Geek News Central is a subsidiary of his company Podcast Connect, with this website launching in May 2002 with the goal of creating a high quality tech and informational site for people of all ages and backgrounds. In addition to Todd a small number of volunteer editors contribute content to the site. The idea of launching this site has it origins from what was in wanting to share information and opinions in a community fashion.The goal continues to be posting quality links and information along with personal commentary on sites that interest us and hopefully those visiting the site. As you can see from our content we want you to be exposed to new ideas and technologies by publicizing new and innovative software or pieces of information that effect your daily connected lives.

The Steve and Johnnie Show
A weekly Live Radio show with the CyberSquad featuring Patrick Crispen

Patrick Crispen (Steve and Johnnie's Internet Mythologist) or or E-Mail
For information on MSConfig, send a blank e-mail to (it's an automatic response)
Mike DiMichele, Alliance Information Technology Solutions -- computer expert,
Gray Rothkopf, Founder & Manager of On Deck Tech
For additional information from Web Site Wednesday Shows:

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