Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Linux, Windows, Bitdefender and Me

Ok, as you may have know I’m a complete noob when it comes to Linux *hint-hint* title well this week was the week for me to try to deal with Linux. I’ve had a copy of XP Professional installed on my PC for a few months haven’t had a problem things were working great, programs running smoothly, booting fast- everything great. Till, the day I decided to try out Bitdefender the Anti-Virus software you may have heard of “Secure Your Every Bit” well I heard wonderful things about Bitdefender Anti-Virus software and thought I would give it a shot. Installed it, Rebooted and waited I could of sworn 15 min for my desktop to load and my other apps at startup which includes like FeedDemon, and ZoneAlarm and a few non CPU hungry apps. After my desktop loaded I could bareley do anything yet alone open a thing I managed to get the Task Manager open and in the process menu I found bsdanget.exe bdagent.exe bsagent.exe or some close to that at least 4 process used by BitDefender one of those four was hogging 80% of my CPU. After that point I couldn’t open or close a thing, manually rebooted same thing. I tried Safe-Mode couldn’t uninstall it from there either. Disabled it from starting up in MSCONFIG didn’t work either at that point I was cursing BitDefender. Well to make a long story short I really didn’t want to install XP again, I thought it would be a good time to try Fedora Core 5. So popped in the DVD loaded, had a few problems with my Graphics Cards so I ended up booting Linux in “Linux Text” worked fine followed all the prompts, it finished, ejected the CD started the Normal Linux boot then stopped me at the Login Screen that’s when my Jaw Dropped. I remember giving Fedora my password but not a Login name. So I tried a few combinations the typical admin, administrator, User, default. Didn’t work Googled for the Default name came up with nothing. So I tried the login name “root” and my password and that worked then It came up with a funky name symbol line like rootadmin~*#0) Hell, What am I supposed to do now? Tried a bunch of things no luck and Guess what I Shutteddown popped in the XP Disc and Walla XP. Working fine. BTW, it was a free night. So maybe next time Windows Fails on me I’ll try Ubuntu. I would also like to know what to do after I login as root in Fedora. If anyone knows email me I would be glad to know.


Anonymous said...

Hey Matt,

Thanks for a nice Blog.

Windows didn't fail on you. When Bitdefender first is installed is may happen that your hard disk slows down if you have a large and infected disk. This is because Bitdefender starts to deep-scan your computer and basically eats up all your system resources so it seems your computer freezes.

The fix is easy, just let it be over the night and the next day it should run smooth.

Please read more about this issues here:

All the best,
Peter Gillberg

Matt Campbell said...

Great, thanks alot for the help and link. I might actually try and install it again. Thanks.

Matt Campbell said...
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