Thursday, August 17, 2006

Tech Links for August 17, 2006

Remove Your Name From XP Start Menu

How to use Group Policy to remove your name when you're a group of one.


My Feedback:
This applies only for the default start menu not the classic.

Mac Book Pro vs. Powerbook

Name Boy

Trying to find a domain but it's not avaliable? Try this site and enter two keywords to generate domain ideas for free. This site is great.

News Links for Today:


Lion Gate Films to offer Full Films on iTunes? Maybe sometime later this year?


My Feedback:
I think some people will like this idea. But this begs the question will the Movies have ads? Some iTunes Video content had ad's placed in. That got quite a few people mad. Will see what happens. I personally don't use iTunes but we will see the outcome of this.

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