Thursday, August 17, 2006

Find the Coolest Links in The Main RSS Feed

Just recently I added Daily tech links to the Main RSS Feed, so every time you read the feed you will be available to find some cool tech sites with interesting topics. So If your bored check those out. I've been trying to catch up on posting today got a lot of stuff done so I will be posting a few times a day in the next couple of days. I will now have daily news Items up in the RSS Feed and also included in the Blog. As, you can see I've added alot more ways for you to get the content from this blog. I was slacking a little bit on that over at Wordpress, but now you've got tons of options. If your unsure of what to use to subsrcibe to the RSS Feed I recommend FeedDemon
I believe there is a free trial up on the site, It's one of the best I've found. If you like it Buy it because there are a lot of great features as well as sncyhronizing your NewsGator account with FeedDemon. If you don't want to spend the money there are lots of other free alternatives just do a Google search on it our use the searchbox below if you need help with the RSS Feed, just email me or post your comment below and I will be glad to help.

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