Thursday, September 14, 2006

Apple: Shame On You

Apple just announced there new addon to there product line called yep you guessed it iTv. iTV is a small box that can contain media that hooks in with iTunes, Your iPod, and your TV. Basically like Windows MCE but in a portable box. The cost of iTv was announced at $299. But the thing about it is that it looks exactly like Windows Media Center Edition. Take a look at the screenshots below and tell me what you think.

Apple iTV

Windows Media Center Edition (MCE)

So don't tell me that Microsoft Copies everything Apple, that is complete BS.

Watch the Presentation of iTV by Steve Jobs here


nancy said...

That's a ridiculous claim.

The menu that Apple is using looks exactly like the menus from the iPods.

So Apple is "copying" Microsoft now based on the fact that their new iTV, which already is more powerful than Windows Media Center based on the idea that it's wireless, has a menu? And please, the design of the iTV looks nothing like the design of the menu in Windows Media Center.

Unless you want to clarify how "it looks exactly like Windows Media Center" maybe you shouldn't show screenshots of two very different looking graphical interfaces.

I didn't exactly see Windows Media Center taking off with huge success.

Matt Campbell said...

Ridiculous? You can't tell me that iTV looks nothing like MCE? Tell me how they are very different? Look at these videos then come back with your view.



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