Friday, September 29, 2006

Post On Forums? Here's ATip

Here is a tip on how to prevent and improve your posting on public forums.

How to prevent Email Spam
Most of us have found posting your own email address on a forum is a bad idea. For instance someones giving out GMail invites and I just don't have one yet, and I really want one, so I post my email address
Hoping that I'll get that GMail invite, well you might just get that and a little extra spam.

I have seen this every where and this is one of the main reasons you have spam in your Inbox. Other techniques I've seen have been: "me(at)hotmail(dot)com","me--at--hotmail--dot--com", yeah that might work sometimes but spammers have caught on to that. If you want to be sure to prevent spam from showing up in your Inbox try
Tinymailto is a great service that turns your email address into a url, and adds a captcha to that page to prevent bots and spammers from sending you spam.

So for instance I want to post my email address on a forum so I surf over to and create an account and provide my email address and them pick a url for instance "" so then I post that link into the forum post instead of my email address. So when someone clicks on that link, it will take them to a page that has a captcha and after successful entry then your email address will be shown to that person giving out the invites.

It really has worked for me and I get very little spam now.

While I've been talking about spam and spammers recently, I'm going to put up a post soon on some free Spam solutions to help prevent that spam. Look for it! Let me here your comments on any spam software you've used by using the submission forum. Submit by clicking: "Want to submit something" on the right hand column.

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