Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Open Source Software: Why To Use

I've metioned this before but haven't really talked about it in detail. Open Source software is the thing now. Why? It's Free, It works, Works better than lots of other apps that you have to pay for, and it's more secure. I believe that we will see a big boost in popularity with Open Source Software in the next few years. People are fed up with buying these expensive, bloated software applications.

Here are some reasons to use Open Source software:
(Feel free to add any into the comments)

1.Lots of times it's more secure than other closed source applications.
2.It's Free-The best part
3. We trust it because it's open source and anyone can view the source code

I've mainly switched to Open Source software because software has gotten to be bloated with Junk and Crap I don't need. I recently downloaded Real Player to watch a real player file. It was just miserable the default settings were to change the file associations with all media files, wanted to install weather bug. That's why I enjoy freeware such as RealPlayer Alternative and Quicktime Alternative available at filehippo.

Look at this chart and tell me how many Open Source apps you find:

Another page to check out if you can't find an alternative to that paid application that you love check out this list. Your bound to find something useful.

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